The weather has turned colder and I am back in the states, but I thought I'd add a glimpse of my summer in Europe. I was fortunate to have an opportunity to intern in Paris, and thus, I took advantage of the time and travelled throughout Europe after my internship. First stop: Paris.
My European trip was truly a highlight in 2016, and this I knew before starting my trip. Therefore, I was thinking up of ways to document my travels in some artistic form. I am a fan of scrapbooking, tinkering with arts and crafts. I decided to collect postcards during my solo trip to ensure that summer 2016 memory is forever documented.
So at the end of May, I took a cruise to Mexico with my parents. That week-long cruise was much needed. It was relaxing, and I was able to spend some quality time with my parents. I caught up on some readings as well (thanks to the lack of distracting wifi/phone service). The cruise took us down and past Baja California, stopping at Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan and Puerto Vallarta.

When I went to New York, I tried Lady M's famous green tea crepe cake, and it was delicious. (See photos of the crepe cake & my trip to NY on my Traveling Alone blogpost) As Mother's Day was approaching (yes I am aware that it was a few weeks ago, this post is mighty late), I pondered about what I can do for my mother that she would enjoy and is budget-friendly. So why not a crepe cake? Here documents my cooking adventures in creating a crepe cake!

Disclaimer: I am rather inexperienced when it comes to making pastries and cakes. So when it came time to make the pastry cream, I failed. When I had poured the mixture of egg yolk, cornstarch, milk into the saucepan, I just let it sit on the stove. I did not know I was supposed to continually whisk it until it became like custard. I had let the eggs curdled and it was no longer salvageable. I tried adding cornstarch in hopes to give it a thick creamy texture, but no can do.
I followed The Little Epicurian's recipe on crepe cake.
I followed The Little Epicurian's recipe on crepe cake.
Another round of empties is here! I love reading blogposts about what people have finished using so that I can truly see what they thought of the product. It usually is quite informative, good for people like me who research a lot before buying the product. So here's my share of products that I have finished up recently!
Portland in all its rainy and gloomy glory.

So I flew to East Coast two weeks ago... alone. Having company is good, but sometimes, you cannot wait until there are the right people and the right time to travel. I did have some business to do in New York, so I thought I would stay longer and explore. It was good bonding times with me, myself and I. Therefore, I thought I'd share my perspective of some pro & cons of solo traveling. Before I start, here's an overview of my trip. I was scheduled to go to New York, but my flight got cancelled so I stayed in Atlanta for a couple of days and then flew to New York. Hopefully that helps you better understand my journey!
Disclaimer: While I was in NY, I did stay with family friends. Housing was not a problem for me. They worked pretty much everyday, so I mostly ventured out into the city by myself! Anyways, this was my experience traveling alone-ish!