Crepe Cake
1:24 PM
When I went to New York, I tried Lady M's famous green tea crepe cake, and it was delicious. (See photos of the crepe cake & my trip to NY on my Traveling Alone blogpost) As Mother's Day was approaching (yes I am aware that it was a few weeks ago, this post is mighty late), I pondered about what I can do for my mother that she would enjoy and is budget-friendly. So why not a crepe cake? Here documents my cooking adventures in creating a crepe cake!

Disclaimer: I am rather inexperienced when it comes to making pastries and cakes. So when it came time to make the pastry cream, I failed. When I had poured the mixture of egg yolk, cornstarch, milk into the saucepan, I just let it sit on the stove. I did not know I was supposed to continually whisk it until it became like custard. I had let the eggs curdled and it was no longer salvageable. I tried adding cornstarch in hopes to give it a thick creamy texture, but no can do.
I followed The Little Epicurian's recipe on crepe cake.
I followed The Little Epicurian's recipe on crepe cake.

Making the pastry cream was the hardest thing for me. I am not a baker whatsoever, complete novice right here. So I totally messed up the first time. Left it on the stove for a long time and the eggs curdled so I was unable to get the creamy custard texture. If you are a noob like me, please go on Youtube and watch them make pastry cream first. I found it super helpful and was able to get the texture right on the second time.

The beginning of crepe making. Seriously takes a long time... Good thing I had my niece who helped in the process.

Flippin' dem crepes. I know they aren't perfectly circular. But when they get covered with cream later, it won't matter too much.

Making the cream for assembly. This was my favorite part. It's so cool how heavy cream can be whipped into something so deliciously heavenly.

Look at that fluffiness. OMG.

Yes that is my rice paddle. It served as a good tool for spreading the cream to assemble the cake. Seriously, got to make use of what I already have in my kitchen.

Layers upon layers upon layers upon layers.


Finished assembling, after lots of time has passed...

Cutting up strawberries for some fresh fruit goodness.

Assembling everything. Isn't it cute how the cut strawberries look like hearts? Perfect for mother's day!

After 6 hours... FINI