Bonjour Paris!
11:32 PM
The weather has turned colder and I am back in the states, but I thought I'd add a glimpse of my summer in Europe. I was fortunate to have an opportunity to intern in Paris, and thus, I took advantage of the time and travelled throughout Europe after my internship. First stop: Paris.
To detail my travels: I was in Paris for two months, and then I jumped from one European city to another for five to six weeks completely solo. Yes, it was my first time in Europe and traveling alone was not planned. If I had a companion willing to take off 5.5 weeks with me, then heck yea I would be down. But unfortunately, none of my friends and family were available or lack the resources to join me. And I ain't gonna let this opportunity slip out of my hands! And thus, my solo trip in Europe was hatched.
The Highline of Paris (can I even compare Paris to New York City?) |
In Paris, there were so many beautiful nooks and crannies. Everywhere you turn, architecture and nature intertwine in such harmonious beauty. Where else can you find such thoughtful composition?
amazingly delicious and loaded crepes |
The way the French dine ought to be adopted by us, Americans. They truly enjoy their food. The ingredients they use are fresh. Whenever I shopped at a Franprix (grocery store), all their produce are fresh and not infused with hormones. Additionally, the way they savor their time when eating, this may be the crux that we may be looking to solve our fast food culture.
the beautiful Seine: what a joy to sit on the banks and watch time pass by |
Working in the heart of Paris allowed me to sit on the Seine after a long day of work to just relax and enjoy the scene. There's something magical about that place I tell you! (Fun fact: while I was there, the Seine was flooded to the point where the banks were covered by the murky Seine!)
foie gras + escargots |
Of course, I must try these quintessential foods in France!
one of my favorites: Palais Garnier |
Oh my! My absolute favorite place that I visited in Paris was Palais Garnier. I have a thing for opera houses and gorgeous adored buildings. Something about being enveloped by a sense of royalty and glamour makes me joyful. If only, if only I had the opportunity to watch an opera here! (I did see an opera, La Traviata, at Opera Bastille! my very first and I thoroughly enjoyed it.)
a meal for one--a scrumptious one, might I add. |
On days that I did not have work, I treated myself to a solo wine and dine experience. Some of these meals were my favorite memories in Paris. The combination of good (& cheap!) wine, complimentary fresh baguette slices + hearty French meal does wonders for a tired, overworked soul. Dining alone is no stranger to me after that summer; in fact, a practice that I have taken back to America with me.
dabbling in the arts at the musee d'orsay |
I love me some history museums and monuments. However, art is still something that I am learning how to appreciate. But in Paris, art is everywhere; there's always something for everyone here.
Parisiens enraptured by the EuroCup 2016 final game: France v Portugal (spoiler: France lost sadly) |
Lucky me. I was here during the EuroCup. I am normally not a fan of sports games, but to be in the heart of all the enthusiasm and comradery, how can I say no? It was fun to cheer and drink beer. Allez les bleus!
eating a macaron in the jardin de luxembourg, oh the simple things |
The garden that I frequent. The French enjoy their gardens well. There are always people soaking up the few rays of sun, kids chasing each other in the playground and musicians jamming under the gazebo. So so lovely.
Of course, who can forget la tour Eiffel? what a beauty at night. |
Eiffel Tower: a gem in the evening, sparkling and glowing. Overall, Paris was beautiful and I loved my time there. Please please please bring me back.