When I went to New York, I tried Lady M's famous green tea crepe cake, and it was delicious. (See photos of the crepe cake & my trip to NY on my Traveling Alone blogpost) As Mother's Day was approaching (yes I am aware that it was a few weeks ago, this post is mighty late), I pondered about what I can do for my mother that she would enjoy and is budget-friendly. So why not a crepe cake? Here documents my cooking adventures in creating a crepe cake!

Disclaimer: I am rather inexperienced when it comes to making pastries and cakes. So when it came time to make the pastry cream, I failed. When I had poured the mixture of egg yolk, cornstarch, milk into the saucepan, I just let it sit on the stove. I did not know I was supposed to continually whisk it until it became like custard. I had let the eggs curdled and it was no longer salvageable. I tried adding cornstarch in hopes to give it a thick creamy texture, but no can do.
I followed The Little Epicurian's recipe on crepe cake.
I followed The Little Epicurian's recipe on crepe cake.